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Karmon Long

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 Heyyy ya'll!!  My name is Karmon, and I am a health and wellness advocate. The year 2020 marked a monumental and transitional time in my life (as it did for many of us, lol). From the shadows of the COVID-19 pandemic, my husband and I started Team SHIFT, which focused on family-centered health and wellness. We led health and fitness challenge groups that helped people meet their goals, hosted outdoor community workout events, and much more. 


During that time, I was gifted my first juicer. I quickly fell in love with the art of creating juices - the health benefits that I witnessed firsthand were a welcome by-product. As I began to share juicing stories on my social media platforms, many people reached out with questions and requests for me to make juices for them. More than three years later, I have continued my juicing journey by continuously creating new juice recipes and learning about their life-restoring benefits. Because of the demand and need that I see in my sphere of influence, I built my brand, 24K Juice, to branch out and share my love of wellness solutions through juicing. At 24K Juice, we stand on health is wealth. Our health is a valuable asset that we must treasure. Stay golden! 


One of my missions in life is connecting people to life-changing opportunities through knowledge and self-empowerment. Inside each of us, there is unrealized potential. I love providing products that help people tap into their potential to be the best version of themselves! Discovering my own power - along with utilizing some amazing opportunities and resources - has helped me to evict over 40 pounds from my body! I have also changed my outlook on health and wellness overall. I have learned: If you are not happy with something in your life, you have the POWER to CHANGE IT!


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